
President's Message

From the President’s Desk

I am delighted to know that St. Joseph’s High School (English Medium), Jokalandi is launching a website. It will be a pleasure for parents, teachers and students to access information about the school activities, achievements etc. from the website. As a centre of educational excellence, the school has proactively responded to the challenges from time to time. The school has taken great strides and its website will be another milestone in the annals of the history of St. Joseph’s School. There is an unexplainable feeling of contentment in knowing that this educational institution has been instrumental in serving the seekers of knowledge from every strata of society without any discrimination. Many consider education as a medium or a window to a world of luxury by getting high salaried jobs, earning money etc. But education happens when one’s way of thinking gets changed and one starts thinking for the betterment of the society, country and world at large. Education is oriented towards holistic development of every student, not restricting him or her to achievements of academics but to form and transform lives.

We learn countless lessons of life every day. The way we live our life depends on the choices we make in life. We have a choice – how to accept life, how we should live our lives and how we should respond in life. Students, focus your attention on the brighter side of life. Believe in God and believe in the strength within you. Let the magnanimity of human spirit shine bright through your acts of kindness and compassion. It is the Almighty that designs and designates the future. All we can and must do is yield to God’s plans. I wish and pray that the school scales great heights under the competent leadership of Sr. Archana SJA. May you march forward with maximum enthusiasm to attain a galaxy of glory.

Sr. Leena Jacob SJA

(President, Society of the Sisters of St. Joseph of Annecy India, Bhubaneswar)