

Prayers for the daily use of the school

At Assembly-: Almighty God/ my loving father/ I love you with my whole heart/ and above all things/ I offer to you/ all my thoughts/ words and actions/ and ask you to bless me/ during this day/ help me so that I may know, love and serve you.

Our Father -: Our father in heaven/ Holy be your name/Your kingdom come/Your will be done/On earth/ as it is in heaven.Give us today our daily bread/Forgive us our sins/ as we forgive/ Those who sin against us/Do not bring us to the test/ but deliver us from evil. Amen

Before class-: O God/ we offer you/ these hours of work in class/ open our minds to learning/ that through what we learn/ we may come to know you/ to love you/ and to serve you / with our whole life. Amen

After Class-: O God/ infinite wisdom and the source of all knowledge, grant that we may remember what we have learnt. We offer you our work, endeavors- our failures and successes. Forgive us our short comings and give us the courage to follow always the path of truth. O Lord, keep us safe along the way.


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