Manager's Message
From the Manager's Communique

I am indeed delighted to know about the launch of our newly designed website for St. Joseph’s High school (English Medium), Jokalandi, Bharatpur. The school over the last few years has emerged as a portal of academic excellence and character building. The abundant co-operation of the staff has resulted in consistent excellence shown by the students not only in academic results but also in various other fields of co-curricular activities like sports, dramatics, music, dance, oratory, and many more. The resources, facilities and avenues provided to the teachers and the students help them strengthen their skills in making teaching - learning an enriching and joyous journey with myriad experiences. Over the years, the entire world over has strong realisations that only through right education can a better order of society be built up. For education to be rewarding and meaningful, it is of utmost importance that all the three vital components i.e., students, school and parents work in unison. So let us continue to march ahead with perseverance and an indomitable will to succeed on this journey of excellence.