Assembly Hymns


Make me a channel of your peace
Where there is hatred, let me bring your love
Where there is injury, your pardon, Lord
And where there’s doubt, true faith in you
Chorus:    Oh, Master grant that I may never seek
So much to be consoled as to console
To be understood as to understand
To be loved as to love with all my soul.
Make me a channel of your peace
Where there’s despair in life, let me bring hope
Where there is darkness, only light,
And where there’s sadness, ever joy.
Make me a channel of your peace
It is in pardoning that we are pardoned
In giving to all men, that we receive
And in dying that we’re born to eternal life.

Chorus: Thy loving kindness, Is better than life(2)

My lips shall praise Thee

Thus will I bless Thee,

Thy loving kindness, is better than life

I lift my hands up unto Thy name (2)

My lips shall praise Thee

Thus will I bless Thee,

Thy loving kindness, is better than life

Chorus: How can I praise you enough
How can I thank you enough
Most gracious loving lord
How can I love enough (2)
Your great love like the heavens
Reaches the ends of the earth
Your mercy like the oceans
Covers the whole of the world
I sing your greatness lord my god
With all my heart and my voice
Let me proclaim your glory
While in your love I rejoice
Keep me in the hollow of your hand,
Lead me through the wild and stormy land
You who guide my feet, through the path way may be steep
Keep me in the hollow of your hand
Keep me, keep me day by day
Guide me guide me on my way
Never, never let me stray
Keep me in the hollow of your hand
Keep me in the centre of your will
All your plans for me may be fulfilled
As I go my way help me Lord from day to day
Keep me in the circle of your love
Looking down to comfort from above
Help me see your face as I pray for daily grace
Keep me in the circle of your love
Bind us together Lord
Bind us together with
Chords that cannot be broken
Bind us together Lord, bind us together Lord,
Bind us together with Love
There is only one God,
There is only one King
There is only one body
That is why I sing
We shall overcome (2)
We shall overcome someday.
Oh, deep in my heart, I do believe,
We shall overcome some day.
We shall live in peace (2)
We shall all be one (2)
To follow the Lord and find freedom,
To love as he loved and bring peace,
To spend our lifetime for his kingdom,
To want it to grow and increase.
To search for the truth never ceasing,
To look for a star in the night,
To knock at the door never tiring,
To wait eagerly for his light.
To walk hand in hand with each other,
To share with the burdened their pain,
To comfort the people who suffer,
To help those in need, for no gain.
To sense how oppressed are the poorest,
To struggle for justice and right,
To stand for the truth and be honest,
To die to oneself in the fight.
Praise Him, praise Him.
Praise Him in the morning
Praise Him in the noontime
Praise Him, praise Him
Praise Him when the sun goes down
Love Him…………
Thank Him………..
Serve him……......
This little guiding light of mine
I’m going to let it shine-2
Let it shine all the time, let it shine
Take this little light round the world, I’m.........
Hide it under a bushel, Oh, no, I’m..........
God's love is so wonderful, (3)
O wonderful love.
So high, you can't get over it
So deep, you can't get under it
So wide, you can't get around it
O wonderful love.
Thank you, O Lord your love is boundless
Thank you, your presence is our peace
Thank you, O Lord for so much goodness
Thank you, your mercies never cease
Thank you, you free the broken-hearted
Thank you for calming all our fears
Thank you for bringing us forgiveness
Thank you for binding up our wounds
Thank you for giving us this moment
Thank you for every joy we share
Thank you for all our friends and neighbours
Thank you for those who love and care
Showers of blessing
Showers of blessing we need
Mercy drops round us are falling
But for the showers we plead
There shall be showers of blessing
Send them upon us O Lord
Grant to us now a refreshing
Come now and honour thy word
Chorus: You are with me wherever I go
Every moment your life in me flows
You’re always there, close by my side
You are there O lord both day and night
You are with me in my mother’s womb
You are with me in my days of glooms
You helped me stand against all odds
And you filled me with me your strength O LORD //ch//
In times of sorrow and in times of grief
You gave me hope, strengthened my belief
When i did fall and was in pain
Lord you set me on my feet again. //Ch//
Listen; let your heart keep seeking
Listen to his constant speaking
Listen to the spirit calling you
Listen to his inspiration
Listen to his invitation
Listen to the spirit calling you.
  1. He’s in the sound of the thunder
In the whisper of the breeze He’s in the might of the whirlwind In the roaring of the seas
  1. He speaks through all your companions
Thru’ the friendly, thru’ the foe
Therefore, give ear to the Spirit
Where so ever He may blow
The world stands in need of liberation my lord
It still has to feel your power
The blind and the deaf, the dumb and the maimed
All need to feel your healing touch
The world stands in need of liberation my Lord
It still has to learn to love.
There are those who have eyes but refuse to see
Their inhumanity to all
There are those who have ears but refuse to hear
The cries of men in agony
Chorus: I have come to thee to take thy touch
before I begin my day.
  1. Let thy eye rest upon my eyes for a while.
  2. Let me take to my work the assurance of thy
comradeship, my friend.
  1. Fill my mind with thy music to last through the
desert of noise.
  1. Let thy love’s sunshine kiss the peaks of my
And linger in my life’s valley where the harvest ripens.
Like a sunflower that follows,
Every movement of the sun,
So I turn towards You, to follow You, my God.
  1. In simplicity, charity, I follow. (2)
  2. In simplicity, honesty, I follow. (2)
  3. In simplicity, fidelity, I follow. (2)
I come before you today
And there’s just one thing that i want to say
Thank you lord, Thank you lord
For all you ‘ve given to me
For all the blessings that i cannot see
Thank you lord, Thank you lord
With a grateful heart, with a song of praise
With an outstretched arm, i will bless your name
Thank you lord, I just wanna thank you lord
Thank you lord, I just wanna thank you lord
Thank you lord
  1. For all you,ve done in my life
You took my darkness and gave me your light
Thank you lord, Thank you lord
  1. You took my sin and my shame
You took my sickness and healed all my pain
Thank you lord, thank you lord
  1. Thank you lord, I just wanna thank you lord
Thank you lord, I just wanna thank you lord
Thank you lord. Thank you lord
Walking with the Lord
Walking with the Lord
We are walking in the morning
Lift up your hearts
For you are walking with God
Singing to the Lord
We are singing in the sunshine
Lift up your hearts
For you are singing to God
Hand in hand with everyone
We’re walking walking
Black and white and brown
Together, walking, walking
Singing new songs now
Living new lives
Building new bridges
Walking distant miles
Well we’re walking with the Lord
On this School
  1. On this school your blessing, Lord
On this School your grace bestow
On this School your blessing, Lord
May it come and never go.
Bringing peace and joy and happiness,
Bringing love that knows no end
On this School your blessing, Lord
On this School your blessing send.
  1. On this School your loving Lord
May it come and with us stay
On this school your loving Lord
May it come and never go.
Drawing us in love and unity
By the love received from you,
On this School your loving, Lord
May it come each day a new.
Just Like a Child
  1. Just like a child who trusts his father dear
And who delights to feel his presence near
Just like a child whose mind has not a doubt
And whose heart is never proud.
Here I come, O Lord,
Here I come, just like a child
Here I come, O Lord,
Here I come just like a child
Just like a child so weak he cannot stand
But who holds firm and tight his mother’s hand
Just like a child who sings in bright daylight
Fearing not the long dark night.
Just like a child that guilty deeds oppress
With mind and heart in trouble and distress
Who throws himself into his mother’s arms
Sure she’ll free him from his qualms.
Dawn it is breaking
  1. Dawn, it is breaking the night it has gone,
Day is beginning the air’s filled with song
Chorus: All around there is music and beauty and peace. Thank you, O Lord, for sharing these things with me!
  1. Walking thro’ fields hear the sound of the wind.
Carried along by the song that it sings.
  1. Sit by a stream on a warm afternoon.
Flowing along with its own special tune.
  1. Stand on a beach, see the sea meet the sky.
Waves breaking gently while white seagulls cry.
  1. Sun, it is setting to night it is nigh
Day it is ending the moon’s in the sky.

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