He who plants a tree, plants hope” – Lucy Lacron

“Trees are poems that the earth writes upon the sky.” ― Kahlil Gibran

Van Mahotsav or Vanamahotsava is an annual tree planting festival celebrated in India. It is celebrated in the first week of July as this coincides with the onset of the monsoon. St.Joseph’s High School,English Medium  Jokalandi observed this day on 6th July 2024 under the assistance of Principal Sr. Archana and Vice Principal  Sr. Keerthana.

“The true meaning of life is to plant trees, under whose shade you do not expect to sit.” ― Nelson Henderson

The aim of the tree planting festival was to encourage students to support the conservation of trees as they help fight the ongoing climate crisis, sustain wildlife and provide us with resources amongst other things.

Students of Class 6 under the guidance of Mrs.Anjaliconducted an assembly and brought their thoughts and emotions to life through their speech and poems on ‘Making a Green World – One Tree at a Time’. They also brought awareness on the importance of trees through their posters.

As part of the celebration, our school encouraged all the students to plant various saplings with the help of the teachers. Native saplings were chosen as they can adapt easily to the existing climatic conditions. The students showed great eagerness while planting the saplings and were being instilled with the values of social responsibilities.

The staff were also encouraged to do their part and take an initiative on planting more trees.

Together, it was a successful initiative and a day to remember.

“Celebrate Nature, Celebrate Life – Van Mahotsav.”

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