The more you celebrate and praise your life, the more there is in life to celebrate.
‘Mentoring is a brain to pick, an ear to listen and a push in the right direction.’ – John C. Crosby
Rev. Sr. Pauline, is the Manager of St. Joseph’s High School (English Medium), Jokalandi, Bharatpur. A grand occasion was held to celebrate her feast day on Friday,28.6.2024 in the School Auditorium .She has always been an inspiring leader showing the way.
The festal celebrations began with a floral welcome to the feastarian, Sr. Pauline. This was followed by a Prayer Song by D.K. DivyaPrem of class VII. The official function began with a welcome address by Sr.Keerthana, felicitations were given by Mrs.Snigdha Acharya. Two majestic dance performances were given by the group of energetic students mentored and guided Sr. Keerthana and Mrs. Nilu. All the teachers joined and together sang a festal song to showcase their love and gratitude towards sister.
Sr. Pauline expressed her happiness and emphasized on the importance of punctuality and education in her speech.
The students expressed their affection to Sr. Pauline by presenting hand-made greeting cards and articulated their wishes to her. Mrs.ReshmaTripathy delivered the vote of thanks.
Students and staff were given sweets to appreciate the efforts they made to make this day memorable and successful.