“Great is the art of beginning, but greater is the art of ending.” – Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

St.Joseph’s High School (English Medium)  Jokalandi,bid adieu to Mrs. Kamal Kumari Rana,one of the esteemed teacher, who served the school for 3 years whole heartedly .

The farewell ceremony was organized on June 22nd, 2024 during the morning assembly by Standard III and Standard IV under the guidance of Mrs.Sanghamitra and Miss. Mamata and was attended by the school’s Principal,Sr. Archana, Vice Principal  Sr. Keerthana,faculty members  and all the students.

The ceremony began by thanking the Mrs.Kamal for her contributions to the school, recalling how she had been an inspiration and guide to many students and teachers alike. The students and teachers acknowledged the sacrifices made by her, who had devoted her time and efforts to shaping the future of their students. An emotional dance performance was given by the children which stole everyone’s heart. Following which, Mrs. Kamal was called on to the dais to share few words.

In her speech, Mrs. Kamal expressed her gratitude towards the school management, colleagues, and students for the support and encouragement they had received during their tenure at the school.She also shared some of her memorable experiences  at the school.

The Principal of the school, Sr.Archana  then addressed the gathering and spoke about the significant impact, Mrs.Kamal had on her and the school. She praised her dedication, professionalism, and commitment to her work and wished her the best.

On behalf of school management, all the teachers presented Mrs. Kamal with gifts as a token of appreciation. Memories were captured in a group photo.

In conclusion, the farewell ceremony was a touching and emotional tribute and a memorable  event.

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