Yoga is a light, which once lit will never dim. The better your practice, the brighter your flame.” ― B.K.S Iyengar

Every year, International Yoga Day is celebrated   on 21stJune. The initiative was taken by the school management to observe the Day to educate the Children regarding the advantages of yoga and how it can affect our lives overall. The practice of yoga can overall benefit the physical, mental, and spiritual well-being of a person.

The celebration began with warm-up exercises by Mrs. Nilu and Mrs. Anjali, under the guidance of Sr. Archana. It was followed by a plethora of activities for students of all ages ranging from asanas, pranayama to Surya namaskar. The students stretched their arms, bent their legs, rolled their neck and twisted every muscle in their body with greater dexterity, in a spectacular synchronicity with English and Hindi instructions.

The main objectives of the day were to introduce the art of meditation to the students, one of the many practices for channelizing energies of our body and mind.

The celebration concluded with some breathing techniques. The students were encouraged to practise yoga regularly to remain fit as they showcased a very energetic performance. Overall, it was celebrated with great enthusiasm.


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